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  • Writer's picturemalloryar86

Lift your butt with these workouts

In a society where "bigger is better," it's no wonder that women are obsessing over their butts. I have been working out most of my life, been lifting weights primarily for about three years. One thing I have noticed during my time in the gym is that so many women are doing mostly cardio. This is not the way to grow your butt! Your butt has one of the biggest muscles in your body. If a body builder can grow his biceps to look like huge softballs under his skin, then why can't you grow your butt muscles to look like two basketballs? Of course genetics plays a role in how big your muscles can grow, but even the less fortunate can still achieve a great shape if you do it correctly. There are many ways to add mass to your backside but I am going to talk about a few for now. You will need to consume high amounts of quality protein to fuel your muscles and to help them grow and you will also need to do workouts that focus on targeting your glute (butt) muscles. There are tons of workouts that target the glute muscles from all different angles, but I am going to focus on the side glutes in this post.

Why is it important to work the sides of your butt? If you want to lift your butt up so that it is round and looks nice from a side view, then you are going to need to add these workouts into your routine. Side lunges (I attached a video above) are a great workout that target the side of your glutes. I like doing these because they are easy on your joints, they target the side butt, and they are effective with or without adding weight.

Another great workout to really target those side glutes are the curtsy lunge (video attached to the left). I love these because you really feel them burning in your glutes but you also feel them in your thighs. You can get a great workout doing these several ways, including: body weight only, dumbbells, barbell, smith machine, resistance band, and even a weighted vest.

Resistance bands can give you some really good workouts. They work your muscles differently than when your using weights. It is good to switch things up from time to time so that you do not plateau and so that you can build muscle more effectively. Placing a band around your ankles and doing lateral lunges, side steps, side step and squats, pulse steps, squat jacks, and other side glute workouts, can give you a really effective workout. The video I attached shows how to do side steps using resistance bands.

Eating properly, getting enough protein, and sticking to a workout routine will really help you to achieve the goals you want. Let's face it, everyone wants to look great on the beach. A nice butt will really give you the confidence you need to feel great about yourself in a swimsuit, leggings, jeans, shorts, dresses, and better yet, wearing nothing! Stay consistent and work your lower body 3 days a week, and I promise you will start to see results over time. Do not compare yourself to anyone and do not make it your goal to "look like her." Doing this will discourage you and cause you to give up when you do not meet your false standards. Focus on being the best version of YOU that you can be. Compare yourself to one person only, YOU. Shape your body using the genetics that God gave you and the knowledge you have and be happy with the results you get.

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