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  • Writer's picturemalloryar86

Cheesy Cauliflower Recipe

Ok, let me start by saying.....This recipe is to die for!!! If your anything like me (a cheese maniac) then you will love this dish. I try to feed my kids veggies with every meal, which can be challenging (as most parents know). I try to find creative ways to get them to eat their veggies, so what better way to do this than to add cheese!!! This meal is also great for those on a low carb or Keto diet. Please excuse the bad quality picture, I assure you, the picture does no justice to how great this actually tastes.

I know how hard it is for busy working parents to come home and even think about cooking a meal, let alone, a long meal. This dish does not take much time, and the best part is, while it's baking, you can throw some baked chicken in the oven with it and be done. You will have your meat and veggies all at once without even breaking a sweat. I'm not going to bore you with a long blog about how great this recipe is when I'm sure your thinking, "come on Lady, tell us how to make it already." Ok, so here is what you will need.


4 cups cauliflower florets

4 tbsp. butter (I use grass-fed)

1/3 Cup heavy whipping cream

salt to taste

pepper to taste

6 pepper jack cheese slices (deli slices)


For starters, this recipe makes a one time batch (it's very small) double the ingredients or triple them depending on family size. Also, whenever I find a recipe online (as I did this one), I always tweak the recipe to make it more original or to cater it to my taste preference.

I chopped up my cauliflower into very small pieces. I used the 4 tbsp. of butter to sauté the cauliflower until it was soft. I added salt and pepper to the cauliflower while it was cooking. Once the cauliflower was tender (your fork should easily be able to go through it) I then removed it from the stove top and placed it in an 8 by 8 glass cooking dish. I poured the heavy whipping cream all over it and placed the cheese slices across the top until it was covered with cheese. I then baked it in the oven at 350 degrees until the cheese was bubbly and slightly brown (this is how my family likes it). Once it is done, remove it from the oven, let it cool down, and serve. Enjoy!

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